Dr. David Nadler earned a Ph.D. in Health Sciences degree from Trident, graduating in 2013. According to David, obtaining a doctorate was integral to his career for a number of reasons. In addition to teaching at the university level, scholarly research was something that was key to him as he grew as a professional.

Currently, David serves as a senior program manager in a capital construction group in New York City. Some of his projects include building a filtration plant below The Bronx and digging tunnels through the bedrock hundreds of feet below the ground to serve as aqueducts. He puts together policies, procedures, and specifications for contractors' occupational health programs.

"One reason I wanted a Ph.D. was so that I can continue learning through conducting novel research, and so far I have had a few papers published. This work also allows for others to learn from what I have studied," says David.

David also stays active in academia as an adjunct at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), teaching a few environmental engineering and technology courses, where he makes sure to incorporate health topics in line with his Ph.D. in Health Science. He is also active in scholarly research, recently launching his own peer-reviewed journal called the Journal of Health, Environment, Energy, and Technology.

After earning his doctorate he quickly started to both review and submit papers for a number of journals, which led him to notice some inconsistencies in the time it took for him to review a paper versus the time editors got back to him with a review on one of his papers.

Recounting one experience, David explains, "I was able to turn around a review in a relatively short period of time. However, after submitting a paper as an author, it would take a long time to get feedback from an editor. In fact, I submitted a paper to a journal in December 2013 and only received an acknowledgement in December 2014 that I will be published in December 2015."

This journal – an independent endeavor – was created in the spirit of encouraging quicker turnaround times, as well as helping to get more quality research into the public forum. Even after his graduation, David remains true to two of Trident's pillars of excellence – compassionate commitment and academic excellence.

Learn more about our Ph.D. in Health Sciences program.